Safe Shelter

Safe Shelter Information
VAC operates a residential home that provides emergency safe housing to individuals (and their dependent children) in crisis. The home is also a licensed shelter for homeless females and their dependent children. Staffed around the clock every day of the year, the shelter is handicap accessible and provides a safe and secure environment for all residents.
Residents can expect all the amenities they would have at home, including a kitchen and dining area, living room, kids play area, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry, personal lockboxes, attached garage, food and toiletries.
RTA program
Response Team Advocate (RTA) program is funded by the Office of Victim Services. This program is unique to VAC. The program is designed to make it easier for victims of abuse to seek assistance. When there are situations of domestic or sexual abuse taking place, RTAs respond with law enforcement to the scene of a domestic incident or sexual assault to provide immediate advocacy, crisis intervention, and transportation to shelter, as well as information and referral services. RTAs can also refer clients for services provided by the Department of Social Services and Fort Drum. After responding with law enforcement, RTAs will add the information gathered into VAC’s database. When clients are ready to seek help and meet with office advocates, database information is used to provide services quicker.
Community RTA Partners:
- Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office
- Watertown Police Department
- Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department
- Jefferson County Probation Department
- Jefferson County Fire and Emergency
- Fort Drum Directorate of Criminal Investigation Command
- New York State Police
Rights of Crime Victims
Victims of crimes are afforded certain rights. As a crime victim, you have the right to know what is going on with your case. Victims of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault are afforded additional rights.
For more information, please visit: